If you have visited Summit County, Colorado and drove around the Lake Dillon Reservoir, you may have noticed how low the lake currently is and wondered why. This is a common question this time of year, many visitors may attribute the lower lake levels to droughts in the Western United States but this is not currently the case in Summit County, Colorado. In fact, the situation is quite the opposite since the 2013/2014 snow season was higher than average with resorts around Summit County receiving as much as 439 inches of snow. Denver Water (who owns the Lake Dillon Reservoir) started to drain/release water into the lower Blue River in late February in preparation for a higher than average spring run-off. According to the Frisco Marina website at the end of April Lake Dillon was already down 18 feet. Denver Water is predicting Lake Dillon will be at full capacity by late June or early July which is the first time this will have occurred since the Summer of 2011.
Lake Dillon Reservoir & Town of Dillon Facts:
The Dillon Dam was completed in 1963 and sits at an elevation of 9,017 feet with 3,233 acres and 26.8 miles of shoreline. In order to build the dam, the Old Town of Dillon along with a hydroelectric plant had to be relocated in the late 1950’s to what is the present day Town of Dillon. Some of the original/historic buildings from the Old Town of Dillon can still be visited throughout Summit County including the Arapahoe Café in Dillon. The Old Town of Dillon was incorporated in 1883 at the site of a trading post and stage stop between three local rivers: the Blue, the Snake and the Ten Mile.
So while Lake Dillon Reservoir is currently low, don’t let that change your plans to visit Summit County this summer and enjoy the many outdoor activities on the lake and throughout the County. If you are interested in purchasing a property in one of the beautiful towns in Summit County call anytime at 970.333.0116. You can also view all Summit County Real Estate for sale online. I look forward to hearing from you!