Many clients dream of owning an available property for sale in Summit County, Colorado in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, but in many cases, there can be personal hurdles to make that dream a reality. As Summit County grows, the St. Anthony’s Summit Medical Center recognized a demand and are working to expand their cancer treatment options. Currently, Summit County residents needing chemotherapy options have to choose between driving over Vail Pass to Eagle County, or Eisenhower Tunnel to Denver – both stressful drives in winter conditions. That’s about to change.
Local businesses in Summit County, churches and residents raised $750,000 to help fund the new 5,200 square foot construction on the third floor of the medical office building, adjacent to the hospital. The Summit Medical Center Health Foundation matched that amount to make the project a reality. The specialty care and chemotherapy infusion center is set to open on May 1st, 2017.
Some chemotherapy treatments require infusions 7 days a week, traveling long distances can be a huge burden to patients and their families. In the winter weather, traveling can mean hours in traffic and in the worst cases, missing appointments. Bringing care closer to home is a huge step for cancer treatment in Summit County, Colorado.
If you and your family are considering a mountain lifestyle and want more information on available properties for sale in Summit County, Colorado, contact Krystal Knott at Christie’s International Real Estate at 970.333.0116 or